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#1 15-11-2017 11:51:35

Inscription : 06-11-2017
Messages : 12

Help with a project on Cryptography

Hello everyone,

I'm a student that trying to get on a national science fair with a project on Cryptography. I have few problems mainly the advancement of this topic although I already have a  background about it but I also need some help. Also, I have a problem that I don't have a mentor now or such a technical adviser. So I have bunch of questions and I will mention some of them here; which aren't the technical one for now  :mrgreen: .

1- I created somehow a cryptosystem that based on irrationals, however, what should be my hypothesis in this case or my problem statemt  :roll:

2- How shall I do my experiments on such a topic???

3- Is there anyway for someone to find a mentor or a technical adviser and can I ask such questions here or this is only for general questions?


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
References: … php?t=5704

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Dernière modification par RyanCaleb (15-11-2017 11:52:02)

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